Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hey, I'm Jimmy, or Jackass, or Jackass Jimmy. I'm 32, live in a house in the ghetto in the smallest state in the union. I went to school with the other guy who writes for this blog. I work for a non-prophet agency, keeping the world and its inhabitants safe from those that would destroy it. My diploma also says "I should be in Hollywood, but Hollywood called and said they were all full, and that I should call back on Monday." That was almost 6 years ago.

So now...I get up and hit life hard and first cause in general, it's a kick to the junk. I try to have a good time and laugh as much as possible cause there is a ton of shit out there making it hard to smile most days. Like anything else, nothing good comes easy and as Thomas Jefferson once said, "Tis better to die on your feet, than live on your knees."

What do you all want to see here? What can we talk about? This internet thing makes the world a much smaller place, maybe it can do some good.

I hope you all are well.
